
by 厦门三快在线科技有限公司



Food takeaway, taxi, hotel train tickets, Meituan has all


【特色服务】1. 吃喝玩乐一应俱全◇在线预订餐厅桌位,省时安心不用等位◇外卖订餐水果宵夜,酒店旅游周边推荐◇美团跑腿,一小时,全城送◇美团电商团好货,全国品质好货低价包邮,省心购物◇美团优选购生鲜,新鲜实惠,当日下单,次日自提 ◇美团地图全面升级,点击店铺地址栏,提供检索、路线规划等特色功能,更多惊喜功能期待您去发现2. 旅游出行一站搞定◇火车票抢票快,购票还可一元赢免票◇机票低价优质出行,全国汽车票在线预订更优惠◇美团打车优惠不停,快车专车出租车便捷出发◇美团单车电单车免押金骑行,更优惠更便捷◇查公交、查到站,车辆到站提前提醒,一站式安心乘公交3. 全国影讯在线选座◇影院会员卡商家券,电影购票享超值更优惠◇热映影片团购订座,大片预告电影抢先看起【产品特点】吃喝玩乐全都有:美食精选、外卖订餐、酒店预订、旅游团购、电商品牌秒杀、机票打折、电影特价、打车出租车等团购实惠根本停不下来!◇情侣约会:吃美食、看电影、住酒店、去旅游;◇懒宅点餐:美食、水果、鲜花、下午茶、超市百货◇朋友轰趴:按摩足疗、KTV、桌游电玩;◇旅游周边:机票、火车票、景点门票、跟团游;◇打车出行:美团打车,快车、专车、出租车;◇美团单车:美团单车、美团电单车;◇品牌秒杀:产地果蔬、品牌食品、家居百货、一站购齐;【产品简介】美团、美团外卖、美团酒店、猫眼电影,为您提供美食、外卖、电商、酒店、旅游、电影、KTV、机票、火车票、洗车养车等全面服务。除各种实惠,美团网提供用户消费评价、商家评分、商家信息查询等功能,旨在为用户提供好的服务!【关于美团】美团网(meituan.com)成立于2010年3月4日,汇聚美食、外卖、酒店、旅游、电影等生活服务于一体的综合信息网站。秉承消费者至上的价值观,在业内率先推出“7天内未消费无条件退款”和“美团券过期未消费无条件退款”等消费者保障条款,为消费者放心消费提供权益保障。【用户帮助】感谢您使用美团手机客户端,使用中有任何问题可通过以下方式查询解决:1.客户端查询入口:我的 => 客服中心2.官方网站:http://www.meituan.com/【special service】1. Eat, drink and have fun◇Online reservation of restaurant table, save time and peace of mind◇Order food for take-out, fruit and supper, recommended for hotel travel◇Meituan errands, one hour, the whole city◇Meituan e-commerce group good goods, good quality goods in the country at low prices, free shipping, worry-free shopping◇Meituan chooses to buy fresh food, fresh and affordable, order on the same day, pick up the next day ◇Meituan map has been fully upgraded, click the store address bar to provide special functions such as search and route planning, and more surprise functions look forward to your discovery2. One stop for travel◇Train tickets are fast, and you can also win a free ticket for one yuan if you buy a ticket◇Low-cost and high-quality travel, more favorable online booking of national bus tickets◇Meituan’s taxi discounts are non-stop, and express taxis are convenient for departure◇Meituan bicycle and motorcycle ride without deposit, more favorable and more convenient◇Check the bus, check the station, remind the vehicle in advance, and take the bus with one-stop peace of mind3. National Film News Online Seat Selection◇Cinema membership card merchant coupons, movie tickets enjoy great value and more discounts◇ Group purchase reservations for popular movies, and watch blockbuster trailer movies first【Features】There are all things to eat, drink and play: gourmet selections, takeaway orders, hotel reservations, travel group purchases, e-commerce brand spikes, air ticket discounts, movie specials, taxis and other group purchase benefits can’t stop!◇Dating for couples: eat food, watch movies, stay in hotels, travel;◇Lazy house ordering: food, fruit, flowers, afternoon tea, supermarket department store◇Friends home party: massage foot massage, KTV, board games and video games;◇Tourism peripherals: air tickets, train tickets, scenic spot tickets, group tours;◇ Taxi travel: Meituan taxi, express, special car, taxi;◇Meituan bicycle: Meituan bicycle, Meituan motorcycle;◇Brand spike: fruits and vegetables of origin, brand food, household goods, one-stop shopping;【Product introduction】Meituan, Meituan Takeaway, Meituan Hotel, Maoyan Movie, provide you with comprehensive services such as food, takeaway, e-commerce, hotels, travel, movies, KTV, air tickets, train tickets, car washing and maintenance. In addition to various benefits, Meituan.com provides user consumption evaluation, merchant rating, merchant information query and other functions, aiming to provide users with good services!【About Meituan】Meituan.com, established on March 4, 2010, is a comprehensive information website that integrates food, takeaway, hotels, travel, movies and other life services. Adhering to the value of consumer first, it is the first in the industry to introduce consumer protection clauses such as "unconditional refund for non-consumption within 7 days" and "unconditional refund for non-consumption of Meituan coupons after expiration" to provide consumers with assured consumption rights protection.【User Help】Thank you for using the Meituan mobile client. Any problems in use can be solved by the following methods:1. Client query entry: My => Customer Service Center2. Official website: http://www.meituan.com/【节日送礼叫跑腿】送花送礼物,跑腿帮你送全城【便宜好物上优选】低价果蔬蛋奶,就上美团优选!次日自提,售后无忧!【省心省钱选好货】美团好货,选点好的!【美团打车优惠季】新人有好礼,更多车型,叫车更快!